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A National Treasure

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The emblem of the scenario


In its heyday, this mammoth resort was the destination choice for anyone that mattered. These days, nobody cares. You saved other amusement parks in pretty bad shape. Now, can you rescue this damsel in distress and restore her place as the jewel in the nation's crown?

A National Treasure is the 11th scenario in RollerCoaster Tycoon 3.

Pre-Built Rides


Pre-Built Shops/Stalls




  • Total monthly ride income: $300.00
  • Guests in park: 200
  • Reward: New park unlock


  • Total monthly ride income: $600.00
  • Guests in park: 400
  • Reward: Extra land available for purchase


  • Total monthly ride income: $900.00, sustained for at least 3 months
  • Guests in park: 600
  • Reward: Flight of Death (Twister Coaster)

Scenario guide

The scenario guide can be viewed here.

Available Rides

​Roller Coasters










Food Stalls

Drink Stalls

Souvenir Stalls


Researched Rides


Available Scenery

Researched Scenery

Other Notes

Preceded by List of scenarios in Succeeded by
Ghost Town (RCT3) RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 New Blood

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Scenarios
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Vanilla HillsGoldrush!Checkered FlagBox OfficeFright NightGo With the FlowBroom LakeValley of KingsGunslingerGhost Town (RCT3)A National TreasureNew BloodIsland HoppingCosmic CraggsLa-La LandMountain RescueThe Money PitParadise Island
Soaked! Captain Blackheart's CoveOasis of FunLost AtlantisMonster LakeFountain of YouthWorld of the SeaTreasure IslandMountain SpringCast Away Get Away
Wild! Scrub GardensOstrich Farm PlainsEgyptian Sand DanceA Rollercoaster OdysseyZoo RescueMine MountainInsect WorldRocky CoastersLost Land of the DinosaursTiger ForestRaiders of the Lost CoasterSaxon Farm
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