Iceberg Islands

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Revision as of 05:32, 26 June 2011 by (talk)


A collection of icebergs make a cold setting for this ambitious theme park.

An icey theme park with three rides built on several islands. The rides here are all free, which is a problem in the Loopy Landscape scenarios because you can't charge an entrance fee any of them.

Pre-Built Rides:

Chairlift 1 (Chairlift)

  • Excitement: 2.93 (Medium)
  • Intensity: 0.84 (Low)
  • Nausea: 0.76 (Low)
  • Age: New
  • Admission Price: Free

Roller Coaster 1 (Bobsled Roller Coaster)

  • Excitement: 7.28 (High)
  • Intensity: 6.55 (High)
  • Nausea: 5.43 (High)
  • Age: New
  • Admission Price: Free

Mini Golf 1 (Miniature Golf)

  • Excitement: 3.98 (Medium)
  • Intensity: 0.92 (Low)
  • Nausea: 0.02 (Low)
  • Age: New
  • Admission Price: Free

Scenario Guide

  • The Scenario Guide below is only a suggested strategy for completing this scenario—it may not work for all players.
  • The General Scenario Guide and Hints and Tips articles may also provide helpful information in completing this scenario.
  • There are usually multiple strategies to successfully completing a scenario; these can be discussed on the scenario's discussion page or written down in an existing or additional section of this article.

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First, correct the prices of the three rides that are already in the park and speed up the chairlift. Then, make a path above the water to connect to the iceberg the chairlift goes to, and consider blocking off the underground pathways. Gradually expand without becoming too spread out and advertising should get enough guests in the park to win.

This park is challenging in particular due to the uneven nature of the "icebergs" on which you build. Their small size and haphazard height disparities make for a particularly difficult ground to work on. At first, consider building several non-track rides (3D Cinema , Scrambled Eggs , and Swinging Ship to start) on the iceberg that already has a Bobsled Roller Coaster and Miniature Golf to let guests bring in some easy revenue. Again, due to the nature of the iceberg shapes you will most likely need to build labyrinthine paths to connect these rides together, but short of spending a fortune landscaping the icebergs there is not much of a way around this.

After building a few rides on that iceberg, move over to the iceberg where the chairlift stops. This iceberg has a considerably flatter shape as well as plenty of empty room, making this a perfect spot for a roller coaster that weaves inside and out of the iceberg. If you need more cash move over to the empty iceberg that's adjacent to the first iceberg (the one with the pre-built rides) and build there. Make sure to eventually connect the icebergs together with pathways in addition to the chairlifts. Although novel, having chairlifts as the only way to access icebergs severely damages guest flow throughout your park.

Also remember that you must jam 1,250 guests in this area in 3 years, so be mindful of space and don't waste it. Should you run out of space completely, consider building rides on top of the water in between icebergs. This should only be used as a last resort toward the end of the scenario, however, since building rides with supports this high is very expensive and in some cases requires adjusting the height of the bottom of the ocean to make building possible (making the expense even larger).

Available Rides

Transport Rides

Gentle Rides

Roller Coasters

Thrill Rides

Water Rides

Shops & Stalls

Researched Rides

Transport Rides

  • None

Gentle Rides

Roller Coasters

Thrill Rides

Water Rides

Shops & Stalls

Available Scenery

Researched Scenery

Other Notes

Preceded by List of scenarios in Succeeded by
None Loopy Landscapes [[ Volcania ]]