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OpenRCT2: Difference between revisions

(Updating version number from 0.4.1 to 0.4.2. Late by a month. Adding adding some new features, listing a comparison, and adding OpenRCT2-exclusive objects that can be added in Object selection.)
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** Implementation: Track added in v0.3.2, Hybrid Coaster Trains added in v0.4.1, new special track elements added in v0.4.2.
** Track info and elements: 63 m (210 ft) max height, standard coaster turns and banking, chain lift up to steep, vertical tracks, level from steep and vice-versa, sloped turn to bank and vice-versa,
** Special track elements: Station platformsplatform (up to 32 units long), "S" bends, small and large helixes, brakes and block brakes, on-ride photo section, barrel rolls, launched lift hill, quarter loop, medium half loops, Zero G rolls<ref group=New name=ZGR>Zero G Roll (left) and Zero G Roll (right) are new special track elements implemented in ''OpenRCT2'' v0.4.2. They start from an up-sloped track to an inverted track, or from an inverted track to a down-sloped track. Not counting the sloped tracks to use them, they are 3 straight track units long and 1.5 m (5 ft) tall.</ref>, large Zero G rolls<ref group=New name=LZGR>Large Zero G Roll (left) and Zero G Roll (right) are new special track elements implemented in ''OpenRCT2'' v0.4.2. They start from an up-steep track to an inverted track, or from an inverted track to a down-steep track. Not counting the steep tracks to use them, they are 4 straight track units long and 10.5 m (35 ft) tall.</ref>
** Vehicle types: Hybrid Coaster Trains — Roller coaster trains with lap restraints, capable of steep drops and inversions (4 passengers per car, 3–6 cars per train)
* Single Rail Roller Coaster — Riders ride single file on a narrow monorail trail, as they race through tight inversions and direction changes (Cost: from £2,810)
** Implementation: Track added in v0.3.3, Single Rail Roller Coaster Trains added in v0.4.1, new special track elements added in v0.4.2.
** Track info and elements: 40.5 m (135 ft) max height, standard coaster turns and banking, chain lift up to steep, vertical tracks, level from steep and vice-versa, sloped turn to bank and vice-versa
** Special track elements: Station platformsplatform (up to 32 units long), "S" bend, small and large corkscrews<ref group=New name=LarCS>Large Half Corkscrew (left) and Large Half Corkscrew (right) are new special track elements implemented in ''OpenRCT2'' v0.4.2. They start from a straight track to an inverted track, or from an inverted track to a straight track. They turn and invert 3 units forward and 2 units left or right (occupying 6 units including the center of the turn) and are 7.5 m (25 ft) tall.</ref>, small and large helixes, brakes and block brakes, on-ride photo section, barrel rolls, quarter loop, medium half loops<ref group=New name=MedHL>Medium Half Loop (left) and Medium Half Loop (right) are new special track elements implemented in ''OpenRCT2'' v0.4.2. They start from an up-sloped track to an inverted track, or from an inverted track to a down-sloped track. Not counting the steep tracks to use them, they are 3 straight track units long and 15 m (55 ft) tall and 1 unit left or right, covering 2 units invertedly, occupying 5 units.</ref>, Zero G rolls<ref group=New name=ZGR/>, large Zero G rolls<ref group=New name=LZGR/>
** Vehicle type: Single Rail Roller Coaster Trains — Roller coaster trains in which riders are seated single file (1 passenger per car, 5–12 cars per train)
* Alpine Coaster — Riders toboggan down a meandering steel track, braking to control their speed (Cost: from £1,685)
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