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Crash: Difference between revisions

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If the same ride is kept, eventually guests will start riding it again, but it will be a slow recovery and the ride will almost never reach the same popularity that it had before. You could also close the ride for months, after a ride crash, then reopen when the reliability is back to a reasonable area. Other effects of ride crashes include a loss of popularity for the park, and a drop in [[Park Rating|park rating]]. These losses will quickly recover if the ride is closed, edited, and tested. To reset a crashed ride, doubleclick the red button on the traffic lights/flag, then it can be used again. 
== Notes[[Category:Strategy Guides]] ==
In [[RollerCoaster Tycoon]] and [[RollerCoaster Tycoon 2|2]] when the cars/train make contact with the ground, the ride vehicle will immediately explode. However, in [[RollerCoaster Tycoon 3|RCT3]], when this happens, the vehicle won't explode until about 5-10 seconds of making contact with the ground. Also guests cannot die from this in the third game while they can in the first two.
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