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Restructuring Part 2
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(Restructuring Part 2)
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*Guests in park: 200, Sustain for one month
*VIP Bob Waterman, Wants to visit a swimming pool, Litter Tolerance: Low
*Reward: New park unlock, Research boost
*Guests in park: 400, Sustain for two months
*Minimum Excitement: 4.00, One water slide
*VIP Bob Waterman, Wants to visit a rollercoaster with excitement rating of at least 5.00,  Litter Tolerance: Low
*Reward: Extra land available for purchase
*Guests in park: 600, Sustain for three months
*Park Rating: 800, Sustain for three months
*VIP Bob Waterman, Wants to visit a rollercoaster with excitement rating of at least 6.00, Litter Tolerance: Low
*Reward: Hershey Rollersoaker ([[Roller-Soaker]])
==Scenario Guide==
The scenario guide can be viewed [[Fountain of Youth/Scenario Guide|here]].
This isn’t a too difficult scenario, just try to not run out of cash. You
can take plenty of loan if necessary, just mind the interest (14.9%). As long
as you have some money in hand, it shouldn’t be too hard.
For apprentice, build a pool complex somewhere on the flat, sandy area
for the VIP and some flat rides and food, drink, souvenir stalls and facilities
to attract guests. You should be able to get the required 200 guests very soon
and as soon as the VIP got fed up swimming in the pool and went home, you
should have won apprentice. Just note the VIP’s low litter tolerance, so keep the
park clean.
For the entrepreneur, add one water slide with a 4+ excitement rating to
the pool complex. [[Aqua Blaster Slides]] or [[H2Oslide Bowl]] could be good choices,
else, a custom one or a pre-made design, just make sure it has at least a 4+
excitement rateing. Build a coaster somewhere with an excitement rating of at
least 6 (so it fulfills the tycoon objective, too). Having it on the opposite side of the
entrance area of the pool complex could be a good idea, for that the pool doesn't steal all the possible guests from the coaster. I built a custom
[[Corkscrew Coaster]], but anything should be fine. Ensure the VIP rides it. Build
more rides and shops to get the required amount of guests and you'll have passed
entrepreneur. At some point, you also get a quest about some local insects’
swarming season due in two months, and that these can be repelled by having
enough flowers in the park. The required amount is ridiculously huge, but note
that about 3/4 of that is already fulfilled by the ton of flowers around the
entrance area. Plant a bunch of small flowerbeds fast anywhere you want for
some publicity boost.
Tycoon shouldn’t be too difficult either. For the VIP, ensure he rides
the previously built 6+ excitement rating coaster again and you should be fine
(just mind his low litter tolerance). The 600+ guests shouldn’t be too
difficult either, with enough rides and shops, and possibly with the additional
publicity boot for avoiding the insect swarm before. For the park rating, just
ensure again (which is needed to get the required amount of guests anyway) to
have enough - and a nice variety of - rides and shops and that the park is
relatively clean. You should sustain the required park rating, as well as the
600+ guests for 3 months, and you won tycoon.
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