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The Amazing Earl started making rides in 2000, along with [[BUGGY]] of [[Interactivities Ink]]. Together, they created the world's first [[REAL Rides]]: [[Swinger]] and [[Motocross]]. He later went on to create his first solo ride, [[Spinning Cups]], and history was made.
== The Old FAQs ==
*Who is this "Amazing EARL" Guy?
*Is that goofy moustache real?
*What's with that 'Spinning Nose-Glasses' thing?
*How do you make these scenery objects?
*How do you make the REAL Rides?
*Do you have any objects that aren't listed here?
*Can you make me a (insert your dream object here)?
*Where can I find more custom objects for RCT2?
*Are you planning to make any more REAL Flat & Thrill Rides?
*Can I link your objects to my website?
*Can I host copies of your Objects/Rides on my website for others to download, then?
"Who is this "Amazing EARL" Guy?"
That's a big question. Best thing to do is visit my main website.
"Is that goofy moustache REAL?"
"What's with that 'Spinning Nose-Glasses' thing?"
That's called a "SNOZ." It's the logo for my company...based on a familiar face.
"How do you make these scenery objects"
I hardly ever use pre-made artwork. Generally the project begins with me modeling a 3D object from scratch. This allows me to rotate the object to create the necessary four views. It also gives me control of the lighting and insures that the shadows are realistic. I use "Amorphium Real-time 3D Modeling" Software...version 1.0. (It got expensive after that, so I've never upgraded.)
After the snapshots are taken of the 3D model, I edit them using "CorelPhotoPAINT." Any touching up of the images is easier to do a this point. It also lets me easily chop the pictures into properly sized pieces for the next step.
Once I'm happy with the images, they're imported into Doctor J's wonderful "Object Editor" which creates the final .dat files for use in RollerCoaster Tycoon. You can download the Editor at his website HERE.
"How do you make the REAL Rides?"
The artwork is done using the same method I outlined above for making scenery...THEN it gets difficult. Images must be made of the Ride without the Riders AND the Riders without the Ride. All portions of the Riders that may pass behind any part of the ride must be removed. Getting them to match up is the hard part.
There's quite a bit of artwork, too. For instance, the "Spinning Cups" Ride required 240 separate precision images...24 for the Ride itself and 216 pictures of a single pair of Riders. The "Motocross" required over a hundred images of the motorcycle alone! (It's a BIG job, but somebody's got to do it...)
Once I'm happy with the images, they're imported into Doctor J's wonderful "Object Editor" (now handles some Flat Rides) which creates the final .dat files for use in RollerCoaster Tycoon. You can download the Editor at his website HERE. OR I use a Ride Creator made by "Buggy" of Interactivities Ink...which you can download at his website HERE.
"Do you have any objects that aren't listed here?"
LOADS of them! Eventually I'll post them all.
Don't ask me to email them to you. They'll be posted when I'm ready to give them to the world.
"Can you make me a (insert your dream object here)?"
Can I? Probably. WILL I? Probably not. I have my own projects in the works, thank you. Look around the web and see if what you want has already been created. (Chances are good that it has.) A good place to start looking is at the RCT2 Objects DataBase at http://www.rct2db.com
If something is NOT already available...AND if I find the idea interesting or challenging, I MAY take it on. (I tell you now...it's probably a long shot.)
Why not try making the object yourself? It's not THAT difficult...and who knows? You may be even better than ME at this stuff. You never know until you try...
"Where can I find more custom objects for RCT?"
Visit my Links Page. There are a lot of resources out there.
"Are you planning to make more REAL Flat & Thrill Rides?"
DEFINITELY! A list is being compiled in the forums at RCT2.com. Head over there and give me your input! (You can go directly to the list HERE.)
"Can I link your objects to my website?"
The answer is at the bottom of this page. ANY links must point ONLY to http://www.amazingearl.com/rct2. Traffic on this site is monitored VERY closely. If unusual activity occurs, pages will be automatically changed and your links will be immediately broken.
(Don't you just HATE broken links? So do your site's visitors...)
"Can I host your objects on my website for other people to download, then?"
No. It's not to be mean...but I do have my reasons. Again, see the bottom of this page for details.
(...and I WILL be watching. So will my Lawyer, "Vinny." He specializes in "Personal Injury" cases...if you know what I mean.) ;)
Joking aside, if I find that this becomes a repeated problem, this site will simply be closed and my future creations kept for my own enjoyment...which is why I make them in the first place. Please respect my wishes.
More questions to come as they're asked...AND when I come up with smart-aleck answers.
== The Infamous Guestbook ==
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