RollerCoaster Tycoon Wiki:Monthly Poll:2010

From RollerCoaster Tycoon Wiki Wiki, the RollerCoaster Tycoon encyclopedia that anyone can edit.


What is your favourite expansion pack?

  • Corkscrew Follies/Added Attractions- 11 votes
  • Loopy Landscapes- 54 votes
  • Wacky Worlds- 4 votes
  • Time Twister- 10 votes
  • Soaked!- 36 votes
  • Wild!- 6 votes

121 people voted on this poll


What is your favourite landscape?

  • Forest- 4 votes
  • Farm/Field- 3 votes
  • Desert- 3 votes
  • Lake/Ocean/Other Body of Water- 3 votes
  • Volcano/rocky- 0 votes
  • Space (Another planet)- 6 votes
  • Mine- 6 votes
  • Beach- 2 votes
  • Other- 2 votes

29 people voted on this poll


Would you buy a RCT4?

  • Absolutely!- 83 votes
  • Yes, if it was in 3D- 4 votes
  • Only if it was isometric- 31 votes
  • No- 2 votes

120 people voted on this poll


Best Entertainer?

  • Panda- 37 votes
  • Tiger- 4 votes
  • Elephant- 5 votes
  • Gorilla- 2 votes
  • Scarecrow- 1 vote
  • Pirate- 1 vote
  • Roman Knight- 7 votes
  • Alien- 4 votes
  • Other- 5 votes

66 people voted on this poll


The most important aspect of a ride is the...

  • Name- 1 vote
  • Colour Scheme- 1 vote
  • Excitement Rating- 52 votes
  • Cost- 4 votes
  • Music- 1 vote
  • Advertising- 1 vote
  • Location/Scenery- 14 votes

74 people voted on this poll


What Logo to you prefer?

  • The New One- 5 votes
  • The Old One- 20 votes

25 people voted on this poll


Which version of the Wiki Logo do you prefer?

  • The New One (purple and yellow)- 21 votes
  • The Old One (black and yellow)- 14 votes

35 people voted on this poll


No poll was created for this month


What is your favorite VIPeep from RCT3?

  • Clint Bushton- 16 votes
  • Kari Oki- 3 votes
  • Joe Sluggerball- 3 votes
  • Cami O- 3 votes
  • Bob Waterman- 1 vote
  • Major Smythe- 2 votes

28 people voted on this poll


What is your favorite RCT 1 theming?

  • Abstract Theming- 9 votes
  • Classical/Roman Theming- 3 votes
  • Creepy Theming- 2 votes
  • Egyptian Theming- 2 votes
  • Jungle Theming- 1 vote
  • Jurassic Theming- 1 vote
  • Martian Theming- 1 vote
  • Medieval Theming- 5 votes
  • Mine Theming- 3 votes
  • Pagoda Theming- 4 votes
  • Snow/Ice Theming- 3 votes
  • Space Theming- 2 votes
  • Spooky Theming- 2 votes
  • Urban Theming- 3 votes
  • Wonderland Theming- 6 votes

47 people voted on this poll


Would you buy RollerCoaster Tycoon 4?

  • Yes!- 61 votes
  • Only if there are many new features/rides- 8 votes
  • Perhaps...- 9 votes
  • No!- 6 votes

84 people voted on this poll

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