RollerCoaster Tycoon Wiki:Monthly Poll: Difference between revisions

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What is your favorite Original RCT scenario?
*Forest Frontiers
*Dynamite Dunes
*Leafy Lake
*Diamond Heights
*Evergreen Gardens
*Bumbly Beach
*Trinity Islands
*Katie's World
*Dinky Park
*Aqua Park
*Millennium Mines
*Karts and Coasters
*Mel's World
*Mothball Mountain
*Pacific Pyramids
*Crumbly Woods
*Big Pier
*Lightning Peaks
*Ivory Towers
*Rainbow Valley
*Thunder Rock
*Mega Park

Revision as of 19:34, 10 January 2012



What is your favourite RCT Installment?

  • RollerCoaster Tycoon - 14 votes (28.57%)
  • RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 - 21 votes (42.86%)
  • RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 - 15 votes (28.57%)


What is your favourite shop/stall?

  • Burgers - 5 votes
  • Drinks - 3 votes
  • Fries - 9 votes
  • Lemonade - 5 votes
  • Sub Sandwich - 4 votes
  • Hot Dog - 2 votes
  • Ice Cream - 2 votes
  • Hats/ T-shirts - 4 votes
  • Information Kiosk - 18 votes
  • Restrooms/Bathrooms - 4 votes

Other- 17 votes


What is your favourite Staff member?

  • Handyman - 60 votes
  • Mechanic - 12 votes
  • Security Guard - 4 votes
  • Entertainer - 8 votes
  • Park Inspector (RCT3) - 2 votes
  • Vendor (RCT3) - 3 votes


What is your favourite Ride type?

  • Transport Rides - 10 votes
  • Gentle Rides - 4 votes
  • Thrill Rides - 31 votes
  • Roller Coasters - 143 votes
  • Water Rides - 11 votes
  • Shops and Stalls - 10 votes


What is your preferred method of camera movement?

  • Right-Click and Drag - 31 votes
  • Arrow Keys - 12 votes
  • Mouse at Window Edge - 43 Votes


What type of park do you like to build?

  • A compact park with lots of small rides - 6 votes
  • A park filled with lots of roller coasters - 12 votes
  • A scenic park - 11 votes
  • A park created to cause harm to guests - 6 votes
  • A well-balanced park - 43 votes


What is your favorite roller coaster track element?

  • Lift Hill- 3 votes
  • Vertical Drop- 1 vote
  • Vertical Loop- 1 vote
  • Corkscrew- 5 votes
  • Sidewinder (Half Loop + Half Corkscrew)- 16 votes
  • Immelmann Loop (Half Loop + Twist)- 6 votes
  • Inline Twist- 2 votes
  • Overbanked Curve- 2 votes
  • Helix- 2 votes
  • Vertical Twist- 0 votes
  • Water Splash- 7 votes
  • Booster- 5 votes
  • Brakes- 1 vote
  • On-Ride Photo- 7 votes


What is your favorite RCT3 theme?

  • Generic - 22 votes
  • Western - 4 votes
  • Spooky - 7 votes
  • Sci-fi - 9 votes
  • Adventure - 5 votes



What is your favourite expansion pack?

  • Corkscrew Follies/Added Attractions- 11 votes
  • Loopy Landscapes- 54 votes
  • Wacky Worlds- 4 votes
  • Time Twister- 10 votes
  • Soaked!- 36 votes
  • Wild!- 6 votes


What is your favourite landscape?

  • Forest- 4 votes
  • Farm/Field- 3 votes
  • Desert- 3 votes
  • Lake/Ocean/Other Body of Water- 3 votes
  • Volcano/rocky- 0 votes
  • Space (Another planet)- 6 votes
  • Mine- 6 votes
  • Beach- 2 votes
  • Other- 2 votes


Would you buy a RCT4

  • Absolutely!- 83 votes
  • Yes, if it was in 3D- 4 votes
  • Only if it was isometric- 31 votes
  • No- 2 votes


Best Entertainer

  • Panda- 37 votes
  • Tiger- 4 votes
  • Elephant- 5 votes
  • Gorilla- 2 votes
  • Scarecrow- 1 vote
  • Pirate- 1 vote
  • Roman Knight- 7 votes
  • Alien- 4 votes
  • Other- 5 votes


The most important aspect of a ride is the...

  • Name- 1 vote
  • Colour Scheme- 1 vote
  • Excitement Rating- 52 votes
  • Cost- 4 votes
  • Music- 1 vote
  • Advertising- 1 vote
  • Location/Scenery- 14 votes


What Logo to you prefer?

  • The New One- 5 votes
  • The Old One- 20 votes


Which version of the Wiki Logo do you prefer?

  • The New One (purple and yellow)- 21 votes
  • The Old One (black and yellow)- 14 votes


No poll was created


"What is your favorite VIPeep from RCT3?

  • Clint Bushton- 16 votes
  • Kari Oki- 3 votes
  • Joe Sluggerball- 3 votes
  • Cami O- 3 votes
  • Bob Waterman- 1 vote
  • Major Smythe- 2 votes


What is your favorite RCT 1 theming?

  • Abstract Theming- 9 votes
  • Classical/Roman Theming- 3 votes
  • Creepy Theming- 2 votes
  • Egyptian Theming- 2 votes
  • Jungle Theming- 1 vote
  • Jurassic Theming- 1 vote
  • Martian Theming- 1 vote
  • Medieval Theming- 5 votes
  • Mine Theming- 3 votes
  • Pagoda Theming- 4 votes
  • Snow/Ice Theming- 3 votes
  • Space Theming- 2 votes
  • Spooky Theming- 2 votes
  • Urban Theming- 3 votes
  • Wonderland Theming- 6 votes


Would you buy RollerCoaster Tycoon 4?

  • Yes!- 61 votes
  • Only if there are many new features/rides- 8 votes
  • Perhaps...- 9 votes
  • No!- 6 votes



What is your favorite Wooden Roller Coaster Train?

  • Wooden Roller Coaster Trains- 16 votes
  • Wooden Roller Coaster Trains (facing backwards)- 2votes
  • Wooden Six Seaters Trains- 8 votes
  • Wooden Six Seaters Trains (facing backward)- 2votes
  • Articulated Wooden Coaster Trains- 10 votes

February and March

What is your opinion on a Roller Coaster Tycoon Movie?

  • It's an awesome idea!- 22 votes
  • So So- 4 votes
  • A Movie!? What were they thinking?- 114 votes
  • I don't know- 11 votes


What do you like more: The Steel Roller Coaster from RCT1 or the Looping Roller Coaster From RCT2 and RCT3?

  • Steel, because I love the appearance of the trains.- 17 votes
  • Looping, because it reminds me of Anton Schwartzkopf's coaster trains.- 11 votes
  • Steel, because you can set the cars backwards!- 2 votes
  • Looping, because they are rigged to go forwards!- 1 vote
  • Steel, another reason.- 7 votes
  • Looping, another reason.- 3 votes
  • Umm... It dosen't matter.- 21 votes

TOTAL: Steel Roller Coaster- 26 votes
TOTAL: Looping Roller Coaster- 15 votes
TOTAL: Doesn't matter- 21 votes


What's your favourite RCT2 rock style theme?

  • Rock Style 1- 2 votes
  • Rock Style 2- 41 votes
  • Rock Style 3- 5 votes
  • 1 and 2- 6 votes
  • 1 and 3- 2 votes
  • 2 and 3- 3 votes
  • All of them- 8 votes
  • None of them - 10 votes


What is your favorite RCT expansion pack?

  • Loopy Landscapes- 122 votes
  • Added Attractions/Corkskrew Follies- 41 votes


What color of water do you like best?

  • Blue (Natural)-105 votes
  • Orange- 3 votes
  • Green- 7 votes
  • Acid Green- 9 votes
  • Pink- 5 votes


What is your favorite expansion pack for RollerCoaster Tycoon 2?

  • Wacky Worlds - 34 Votes
  • Time Twister - 32 Votes


What is your least favorite moment when playing a scenario?

  • Losing Money - 12 votes
  • A crash caused by a "Station Brake Failure" breakdown - 63 votes
  • Failing to complete the scenario successfully - 11 votes
  • Not allowed to advertise for the park - 2 votes
  • Not allowed to remove trees or objects (Ex. Rainbow Valley) - 14 votes
  • Not enough space in a park (Ex. Micro Park) - 3 votes
  • Guests having negative throughts (Ex. Guests that cannot find the park exit) - 22 votes
  • Other - 3 votes


What is your favorite RCT3 expansion pack?

  • Soaked!
  • Wild!


What is your favorite roller coaster manufacturer?

  • Arrow Dynamics
  • B&M (Bolliger & Mabillard)
  • Chance Morgan
  • CCI (Custom Coasters International)
  • Gerstlauer
  • Giovanola
  • GCI (Great Coasters International)
  • Intamin (International Amusement Installations)
  • MACK Rides (owners of Europa Park)
  • Maurer Sohne
  • Premier Rides
  • S&S Power (bought out Arrow in 2002)
  • Schwarzkopf (Anton Loopers)
  • TOGO
  • GG (Gravity Group)
  • Vekoma (Veld Koning Machinefabriek)
  • Zamperla
  • LOLWUT???


What is your favorite RCT Series Game?

  • RCT 1 (Original)
  • RCT 2
  • RCT 3


Do you also play Transport Tycoon & Chris Sawyer's Locomotion?

  • No
  • No, but I think I will give a try to play it.
  • Yes, but I prefer RCT than Transport/Locomotion
  • Yes, I like both of them (RCT and Tranport/Locomotion)


What would be the worst senario in RCT history?

  • A park turned into a senario after it was failed
  • A park with a smallest starting land possible
  • A park with rides that killed guests, and can't be destroyed
  • A park with the theme: Justen Beiber
  • A park that has rides with offending names, that can't be destroyed or name changed
  • A park with discusting paths, broken and "Death Machine" rides, over priced bathrooms, no other stalls, and you don't own ANY thing!
  • Other [?]


When it comes to admissions, what do you prefer?

  • Charging an entrance fee
  • Charging money for rides
  • A combination of the two