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==In Real Life==
The observations towers in RCT1 and RCT2 are based off Gyro Towers that were built by both Intamin and Von Roll Holding. RCT3's Hershey's Kissing Tower is based off the Intamin ''Gyro 1200'' model at HersheyPark. The standard observation tower is based off the Intamin Gyro Tower 1000, while the double deck observation tower is based off the Von Roll Holding Space Towers, they were manufactured by Willy Bühler Space Towers Company of Berne, Switzerland with cabins by Von Roll. Most notably seen at Cedar Point which had the Space Spiral (demolished in 2012), Astroworld's Astroneedle (dismantled in 2000) and Minnesota State Fair's Space Tower. RCT3's observation tower's do not seem to be based on any particular observation tower.