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:Initial Pricing: Free
== Scenario Guide ==
You can read the Scenario Guide [[{{PAGENAME}}/Scenario Guide|here]]
In the start of the scenario, you have several rides–two of them are roller coasters, which will be your main money makers, so if you don't charge entry fee, make sure you charge between $4.00 and $6.00 to keep money from being a problem in this scenario. Note that both Quiver and Flightmare are extremely prone to station brakes failure crashes: Flightmare can easily be remedied by setting the coaster to run three 5-car trains, though be sure to uncheck "Maximum Wait Time" to ensure that they won't stall on the first loop; Quiver, on the other hand, is more difficult to fix, so either attempt to edit it so that trains enter the station at less than 29 mph, or remove the second train and cope with the loss in income.  Regardless, designate mechanics to the exits of both of the roller coasters to keep them in working order.
Also, although the high demand of guests, you start with 200 guests already and they keep coming due the fact your coasters are relatively new, so you only need to attract 1000 more.
A simple strategy for this scenario would be to build lots of roller coasters. You should have at least six or seven by the end of the scenario (including the two pre-built) if you can fit that many (Steel Mini and Wooden Crazy Rodent recommended). Spread the roller coasters out near the underdeveloped woods section of the park, and make sure you don't build them all within too short of a period of time. If all else fails, use marketing campaigns to attract the difference.
Be cautious when constructing more thrilling rides, as the park will always be filled with nauseous guests that are always tempted to go on roller coasters. Hire many handymen and make their patrol areas small.
A good strategy for this kind of scenario is to keep the green arrow of coming guests appear along to all the three years–do that, and you should be able to meet the objective before year 3.
[[File:MelsWorldFinished.png|thumb|Mel's World - finished]]
==Available Rides==