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This park bares a resemblance to Leafy Lake in the first RCT, except that this park is larger and there are rides available from the start.
Start by buildbuilding non-tracked rides aroungaround the paths, don't put them all in organizing oneand space, put them in readom spaces in the mapout, using the flat land around the pre-built coaster that comes with the scenario, so guests with low-neuseanausea won't complainingcomplain that they arefeel tirdsick.
The mine train that comecomes with the scenario istakes takingup a lot of space, but is a really good a transport coaster,. youYou can change it a little just to make more space, and in front of every station of the coaster, build stalls, while restrooms mustshould builtbe anywhereplaced inregularly throughout the park.
Because you have unlimited funds in this one, this scenario is reallyfairly easysimple, keep your park rating high always by assignassigning mechanicmechanics to every ride, give each handymenshandyman one- or two patrolspatrol tiles covering the entire park and a lot of security guards and entertainers,. just aA big staff will keep your rating high, keepand themake winowsure ofthat the guests thoughtare openhappy constantly by monitoring the entireguests' timethoughts and the rating won't be a problem in this scenario.
Keep in mind that since there is no money in the park, you can "build land" at no cost. However, though tempting, avoid filling in the entire lake because it will take lots of time, during which your park rating will slip. Instead, expand the areas on the edge of the lake if you find you need more space there for small rides.
To attract guests, you will have to build as muchmany coasters as you can,. theThe lake will behave your mustthe usingmost space for the coasters, keep the coasters interesting so they will have high excitment rating to attract a lot of guests, justand remember that building coasters on water givinggives extra excitment.
8-10 coasters will bring you enough guests by the end of year 4, makemaking this scenario the easiest scenario in the Experts scenarios in RCT2. If you are playing this one after Exreme Heights, it will be very easy as hell, playing before Extreme Heights will prepare you for thatLucky oneLake.
==Available Rides==
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===Roller Coasters===
*[[Mine Train Roller Coaster]]