Ivory Towers: Difference between revisions

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== Scenario Guide ==
Ivory Towers is an extremely huge park with lots of space to build rides and attractions. Before you can do that, however, you have to handle the huge amounts of litter, vomit and vandalism that cover virtually every path tile like measles. Start off by hiring five to ten handymen, placing them in different areas of the park, before building food and drink stalls and replacing or removing any vandalism manually. Next, hire a few security guards and get them to patrol the park. Once all that is done, you can start building some rides. Begin by building some gentle and thrill rides around the park. If your hired staff are taking too much out of your pocket, go ahead and sack a few of them, but leave at least five handymen and security guards around to keep things in check. Be sure to hire a few mechanics as well.