

A giant park with the ground being some purple grid. There is a bunch of orange geometrical shapes scattered across the park like trees, and you can sell for a little money if you want. There are also giant lakes and rivers in the park, but they aren't that deep. The water color is orange.

Pre-Built Rides:


Park Description

Develop this alien park to maximize its profit.


To achieve a monthly income from Ride Tickets of at least $10,000.

Scenario Guide

Biuld lots of rides, mostly rollercoasters

Available Rides

Transport Rides

Gentle Rides

Roller Coasters

Thrill Rides

Water Rides

Shops & Stalls

Researched Rides

Transport Rides

Gentle Rides

Roller Coasters

Thrill Rides

Water Rides

Shops & Stalls

Available Scenery

Researched Scenery

Other Notes