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In the series, '''Guestsno andtheme staff'''park appearwould inbe thecomplete games to give it a true theme parkwithout appealguests. [[File:Avatar_16610.gif]]
==='''Normal Guest'''===
A normal '''guest''' is the averageterm persongiven to goa intovisitor within your park, going on rides and purchasing goods.
All Guests have needs; Hunger, Thirst, Tiredness, Bladder and Nausea which affect their mood. (Which is shown on their Needs tab. Happier guests tend to enjoy better facilities, rides that are easy to access and the features within the park otherwise they will get moody and leave.
===Roller Coaster Tycoon===
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon]]'', they all look like brown-haired male guests whose basic "names" are '''Guest #''', with the '''#''' being the number of the guest who has crossed the beginning of the path to the entrance (spawn point). In the expansion packs, an option on the Options menu lets you change their names so they can have "realistic" names (Bob H., Marie Q. etc.). They also have different ride tolerance and can have different thoughts/moods depending on their surrounding environment.
===Rollercoaster Tycoon 2===
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon 2]]'', the "real" names option inherited from the RCT1 expansions is enabled by default. The guests themselves are basically the equivalent to their predecessors in terms of looks, acts and behavior. However, their intelligence has been somewhat improved, as one can build paths twice as wide without the guests getting lost. They also actively seek objects like stalls, toilets and the park exit according to their needs instead of wandering around. A guest logic has been coded in RCT2, which enables them to watch ongoing or mid-construction rides.
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon 2]]'', the "real" names option inherited from the RCT1 expansions is enabled by default but the over appearence of the guests themselves are basically the same. However, their AI has been somewhat improved, as they won't get lost on double-width paths and smartly seek facilities to serve their needs, such as seeking the Food Stalls when their hunger drops low. Guest AI also allow them to watch rides being built or being used by other guests, often taking photographs as well.
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon 3]]'', the guests have major upgrades in their designs; instead of the brown-haired people in the game, now people appear in different sizes and looks, and ages. They also have more varied thoughts and are characteristically more interactive with each other. They usually come in "families", and they are divided in three ages: adult, teen and child. There is a Peep Designer available in the game's options menu.
RCT2 also brings along the feature to specifically name guests and even track them by clicking the 'i' symbol within their window. Doing so brings up updates in the News feed''.''
In all three incarnations, guests have moods, thoughts and can be attracted to/leave your park depending on certain awards, the overall environment and the variety of rides.
===Rollercoaster Tycoon 3===
==='''[[Cheat Codes|Special/Cheat Guest]]'''===
In the RCT series, naming guests certain names will give them certain characteristics that makes them special and stand out against the usual crowd. For example, naming a guest "BigBucks" will make this guest have infinite money, and naming a guest "Tony Day" will make him become hungry faster and more often than usual guests. Some names can change guests actions and their attitude. If you name a guest "Melanie Warn," that guest will instantly become happy, which can come in handy for angry peeps and vandals. Naming a guest "Katie Brayshaw" will make this guest stop and wave to others often when they meet, making guests become slightly happier. Guests can have multiples of the same name, from changing lower cased to uppercased, and vice versa, meaning you can have several cheat guests.
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon 3]]'', the game engine allows guests to have major upgrades in their designs; insteadInstead of the brown-haired people in the game, now people appear in different sizes and looks, and ages. They also have more varied thoughts and are characteristically more interactive with each other. They usually come in "families", and they are divided in three ages: adult, teen and child. There is a Peep Designer available in the game's options menu..
==='''[[Cheat Codes|Special/Cheat GuestGuests]]'''===
In the RCT series, naming guests certain names will give them unique characteristics that gives them special abilities or unique comedic quirks. Guests can have multiples of the same name, from changing lower cased to uppercased, and vice versa, meaning you can have several cheat guests.
==='''[[VIP|Celebrities/VIP Guests]]'''===
In [[RollerCoaster Tycoon 3]], famous celebrities occasionally appear in your park as part of a scenario objective. They need to be directed to a certain ride with a minimum statistic, specified in the list of scenario objectives.
The player can create waypoints for the celebrity to follow, although they don't always adhere to your will. Celebrities usually are followed by a horde of fans, which will pester him/her for autographs. If they are harassed enough, the celebrity will become unhappy and leave the park. Certain celebrities have low rubbish or breakdown tolerance which can cause them to leave the park also.
The guests can also commit vandalism. The concentration of vandalism is directly connected to the level of litter and/or vomit in a certain part of the path. Vandals can be recognized by their red face expression in the guest window. They will destroy nearby benches, lamps and litter bins, regardless of their happiness level. A temporary solution are the [[Security Guards|security guards]], who forbid destroying things in their vicinity. However, a more common and permanent tactic is making a 1x1 island (also known as the ''prison'' among the players) in the water, placing a footpath in it, and then putting benches on the path. Then, drag the potential vandal to that island, and he will eventually cool down.
They will destroy nearby benches, lamps and litter bins, regardless of their happiness level. A temporary solution are the [[Security Guards|security guards]], who forbid destroying things in their vicinity.
However, a more common and permanent tactic is making a 1x1 island (also known as the ''prison'' among the players) in the water, placing a footpath in it, and then putting benches on the path. Then, drag the potential vandal to that island, and he will eventually cool down.
== Staff ==
Staff play a crucial role in the smooth operation of a park. Each other tends to various conditions such as collecting litter, fixing rides or generally contribute to the rating of the park. All staff require wages to be paid so make sure to balance the number of staff vs. the financial balance to avoid going into debt.
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Handymen are essential members of your staff. They are responsible for cleaning up the messes that your guests make; both trash and vomit. They also perform maintenance on your landscapes, by mowing grass and watering flowers.
Note that any Handyman that does not mow grass will almost always stay on paths like guests. Be careful however if you use paths as roofing tiles. If these roofing tiles fall within the Handymans patrol area, the Handyman may jump up on the roof and get stuck there - you have to use your pincers to put them back on the real path, or the real path will never get cleaned!
If the Handyman is given lots of work (lots of gardens to water, trash to sweep, or vomit to clean), keep the patrol area very small.
It appears that vandalism and vomit do not occur in tunnels, so these areas may not have to be patrolled as much (remember that chance of vandalism is directly related to the concentration of litter/vomit on the ground). by Only one patrol area (large or small) should be designated. if multiple non connected plots of patrol areas are selected, the handyman will be "stuck" (never leave) in the plot he is currently in, and neglect other plots.
*By default, Handymen are set to perform all four tasks in RCT1. However, in RCT2 they are not set to mow grass by default, possibly because Handymen regularly mow grass instead of performing other duties and hence deselecting the "mow grass" option in RCT1 is almost essential.
Note*Handymen that any Handyman that doesdo not mow grass will almost always stay on paths like guests. Be careful however if you use paths as roofing tiles. If these roofing tiles fall within the HandymansHandyman's patrol area, the Handyman may jump up on the roof and get stuck there - you have to use your pincers to put them back on the real path, or the real path will never get cleaned!
*Handymen are present in RCT1, RCT2, and RCT3.
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**Fix Rides
Mechanics are essential to keepingkeep a parks' rides operational. They make sure that rides continue to run, and fix them ifwhen they break down. If a ride requires inspection or fixing, the mechanic enters through the ride exit, so it is important that mechanicsthey can access that area.
Mechanics generally roam randomly around the paths of your park. If a mechanic is heading to fix a ride, this will be noted in the staff window. In RCT1, mechanics heading towards a ride to inspect it appear as 'walking' just like an unoccupied mechanic.
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Have Entertainers patrol the end section of long queue lines (lines over 9 minutes) to keep guests from complaining about the wait and to increase the time before guests leave a long queue in disgust. Also have Entertainers patrol long walkways without rides and areas of high trash/vomit potential to divert guests from making negative comments.
Many Entertainers have unique animations that vary on their costume.
==== '''Notes''' ====
*The Bandit costume makes the entertainer wearing it do something highly humorous. First, he stands still and moves his head left, then right. He then looks down and moves one of his hands to his pocket, and pretends to pull the trigger to a nonexistent "gun". Nothing happens. Assuming it fell out, the entertainer shakes the pocket with his foot. Suddenly, a white line appears for a split second from his pocket to his foot. He then jumps up and down, as if he "shot" his foot! (RCT2 ONLY)
==='''[[Park Inspector|Park Inspector (RCT3)]]'''===
*Different animations accompany different costumes.
*Unlike entertainers in real-life amusement parks, they do not try to interact with the guests in your park, nor do your [[guests]] approach them for photos opportunities, and other activities.
*Regardless of the costume chosen, their effectiveness will be the same.
*Entertainers are present in RCT1, RCT2, and RCT3.
==='''[[Park Inspector]]'''===
The Park Inspector is a senior citizen that provides updates about situations in the park. He will alert you about long lines, prices, and scenery.
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Assignable Tasks:
* Check rides: HeThe ridesinspector themgoes foron unknown reasons. Check thisrides to allow him toensure performthey thisfunction taskcorrectly.
* Check shops: This allows the Park Inspector to check shops and tell you their price. However, there is a gimmick - he will also tell you if the shop matches scenery and will complain until you fix it.
* Check vista: He will evaluate scenery at Photographic Spots, and tell you whether the guests, or "peeps", like or dislike it.
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* Park Inspectors are only present in RCT3.
==='''[[Vendor|Vendors (RCT3)]]s'''===
The cashier is present at all ride entrances, shops, and stalls. They perform tasks such as taking the guests' money, serving food and drinks, and handing the guests their purchased items. They can be fired and trained to make them quicker.
* Default uniform color: Red (RCT3, can be changed)