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Evergreen Gardens is one of the largest parks in the original RCT, and has one of the largest loan limits of $40,000. The primary problem with this big, beautiful, undeveloped park is its over developed path system; which covers a good part of the park. When you begin developing the park you will get a huge load of "Guest # is lost and can't find the park exit." Even if you build one or two info kiosks these guests will still get lost due to the paths. The park is also large enough to where you should consider one or two forms of transportation so the guests can make much of their experience, and their money.
The park already includes an extensive path system. This is both a blessing and a curse. Guests frequently wander throughout the undeveloped sections of the park, so either delete small sections of the paths or place "Do Not Enter" signs, to restrict access. Removing path sections is the better option because your staff ignores "Do Not Enter" signs. Alternately, remove all the paths in the park to give yourself a head-start on cash, and rebuild them later when you are ready.

In the beginning of the objective you'll notice you're lacking on all elements that a park needs other than themeing. Set research to max and tick roller coasters, thrill rides, gentle rides and shops/stalls. You should actually tick only shops in the beginning so you can research the info kiosk, which is the holy grail of this objective since the guests will get lost very easily.
The small plateau on the right side of the park entrance (looking from outside of the park) is a perfect spot for a roller coaster. Evenly expand the park outwards using the existing path system. Make sure that you do not spend too much; the terrain can be restrictive for building rides close together.

You have $40,000 at your hands so you should be able to get a good start on developing the park. Don't go overboard on building rides, One coaster (Woodchip makes for a nice start), all the thrill rides (you only have two...) and a few gentle rides will really attract some guests to get some money rolling in. You shouldn't spend more than $12,000 on all of this. Hire some mechanics and handymen to keep the park in order. ASSIGN SMALL PATROL AREAS. Your employees will wander just like the guests, but you won't get notified about it.
Once you expand out of the valley at the entrance of the park, more level land is available. The lake and the area to its right (from the viewpoint of someone coming from the entrance) can be used for building roller coasters and non-tracked rides.

Food, Drinks and bathrooms will be very important in this objective. You should have atleast 6 bathrooms, 8 or 9 is reccomended, and atleast 4 tandems of foods and drinks. Guests will get tired in the park so place benches EVERYWHERE.
Because the park is so spread out, it is a good idea to build a compact area of rides when the land is flat, to prevent it from being spread too thin over the large area.

Slowly continue to expand the park as new rides become available. When you get the steel coaster you should build the shuttle loop (even a twin if you want); this is a very popular ride and will attract a good number of guests and earn you a lot of money. when you start to make near $1,000 a week you should invest in either a railroad or a monorail (the latter is reccomended) to help get you guests to the back end of the park without getting lost or tired. An observation tower will help the guests see where they want to go and prevent them from getting lost.
4 years is plenty of time to get 1,000 guests in the park. Just take your time and make sure you satisfy your guests, it will help attract more over time.

The objective's challenge is handling a large park while still trying to improve it. Don't worry about attracting huge sums of guests at the start, just get the park functioning and try to bring in some money. Keeping with a good building pace you should be able to have more than 1,200 guests by year 4 with no advertisements. 4 years is plenty of time to get 1,000 guests in the park. Just take your time and make sure you satisfy your guests, it will help attract more over time.