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== Strategy ==
This scenario is probablyactually thequite hardesteasy scenarioif soyou farknow onlywhat secondneeds to [[Mothballbe Mountain]],done. butCrumbly thisWoods ishas onlythe becausehighest thisguest parkcount shows a different kinddemand of difficulty,all whichscenarios isin evident.the Althoughoriginal thereRCT, istied awith high[[Mel's demand of guestsWorld]], thebut scenarioit already begins with 600 guests. Thus, makingyou theneed objectiveonly simplerto with onlyattract 600 more to obtainguests over the next three years.
Crumbly Woods has one major problem: the rides are very outdated, unreliable, and don'tnot bring in as much of aespecially profitprofitable. You have three strategies to follow in this objective;: you can either replace the old rides with new ones (demolishing all of the old rides), persevere with the old ones by building new ones, or rebuild all or most of the rides in their original place. The lastfirst optionand isthird theoptions best,are orboth atviable, least it's better thanwhereas the second one,should whereonly yoube just leave the ridesattempted as they are. Demolishing all the rides is not a great idea but it's far from the worst thing you can dochallenge.
There are advantages and disadvantages to each choice. Demolishing all of the rides from the start will earn you a sizeable lump sum but leave guests unhappy in the short term, stop your primary revenue stream, and leave your park with a mess of empty paths and aimlessly wandering people. Retaining the old rides in the park will only lead them to deteriorate further and make less money; Double Trouble may even experience a station brakes failure [[crash]].
There are advantages and disadvantages whichever is your choice. If you choose to demolish all of the rides, you'll get a lot of cash but at the same time you'll lose your current profit makers. Besides, your park will lose its infrastructure as it will only have a long path leading to the wonderland area but nothing at all through the way there, so your guests will be just wandering about until your park gets developed to the level it was at first. If you choose to keep the rides and just start bulding more, you'll probably be flooded by messages about rides breaking down, crashes and guests unhappy in the wonderland area due to the Crazy Critters ride, although you'll continuely get more money from the rides. If you choose to rebuild them, you will be making sure your income will higher greatly as your rides will be renewed and their reliability will be way higher. On the other hand, it will cost you a lot of time since, even if you save the track designs, some of the rides have underground sections which, in this case, will be problematic.
First, you should pause the game. If you wish to place a gate fee, you may do so, but charge no more than $10.00 and adjust ride prices accordingly. ThenThat done, you have to hire enough staff and set their patrol areas. YouIf will need lots of staff to keep the park clean, especially around the Whiplash, since the pathsyou are very long and complicated (for handymen). If you're going to rebuild the rides, save the track designs of the two smaller roller coasters--; Whiplash can be saved trouble-free, but Mean Squeak will require theits underground sections to be demolished first. This won'twill not work with WoodchipDouble WoodchipTrouble, sincehowever, itas hasits toounderground manysection undergroundis parts.too Evenlarge; thoughwhile you candevelop justa letplan themfor beit, rebuildingreduce theits ridesvehicle can allow youload to maketwo anmaximum incrediblelength amounttrains ofto money and attract far more guests withprevent themcrashes.
After savingyou save the track designdesigns of allMean Squeak and Whiplash, assign staff throughout the ridespark, setand change your research (priorities to thrill rides, preferably) and your staff, unpause the game. First, demolishDemolish Crazy Critters, atas the back of the park. This rideit is very problematic, because it'sfar too long, and theremove peopleits whoqueue arepath. onFollowing itthat, justset want to leave,benches and thelitter peoplebins who are inthroughout the line for it just get angry. Be quickpark, and remake allrebuild the stalls and gentle rides. Now, make some benches and litter bins throughout the park. Renew the other roller coasters by using the track designs you saved. Last, destroy and reconstruct WoodchipDouble WoodchipTrouble piece-by-piece (or replace it with a custom roller coaster or other ride). ItYou would be recommended toshould rebuild Woodchipthe Woodchiproller coaster exactly as it was, becauseas you may charge an admission as high as $8.00 if no gate fee is in place duebecause toof its very high excitement rating.
Now, it's time to constructConstruct some other rides, throughoutpreferably theroller park,coasters mostlyand thrill rides, throughout the park to attract more guestsvisitors. Build another path through the park to connect the entrance area with the fantasy- land, soto yourprevent guests canfrom walkgetting inlost, aand largeredevelop circle.the​ Addfantasy moreland by adding new rides. alongYou thismay patheven aschoose to build a newer, shorter version of Crazy Critters to stay true to the original park, but you researchmay prefer to build a roller coaster and some smaller attractions as they become themavailable.
You should not need many new rides to achieve your goal, but you should still squeeze in what you can research. If you come close to the end but need more guests, do not be afraid to advertise. Every attraction in the original RCT is available in this park, so feel free to experiment to see what you and your guests like.
By demolishing Crazy Critters, you'll be making room for many more rides in the wonderland area. You could use it to build a good roller coaster (it doesn't need to be the most expensive model you have), a Go-Karts or a water ride. Anyway you develop your park, make sure you offer plenty of variety and create a good path infrastructure as your park wil get very confusing if you don't do so.
Don't worry if your park isn't too big, you can safely achieve your objective by building until the Merry-Go-Round area and until the Whiplash area. If you are losing guests, don't be afraid about using marketing campaigns, but you'll probably reach the amount of guests needed very soon. Just keep an eye on the rides constantly and you will achieve your objective with way more guests than required.
== Completed Parks ==