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A pay-per-ride park allows guests to enter the park free of charge, but rides within the park carry an admission price that is set by the player, based on the ride's quality, age, and rider feedback. Pay-per-ride parks do not require a constant inflow of new guests, however the guests within the park must have enough cash on hand in order to ride the rides, buy food and drinks, souvenirs, etc. or the guests will become unhappy and leave. This is alleviated in ''RollerCoaster Tycoon 2'' by the introduction of the [[Cash Machine]], where guests can withdraw money, increasing the amount of cash they have on-hand to spend.
This system has a couple key caveats. First is the aforementioned incident where guests run out of money. The second, and often more serious, is the aging of rides in the park. Over time, rides will lose their appeal to riders, and riders will be willing to pay less and less to ride a ride until eventually the ride will no longer turn a profit. The time it takes for this to occur varies depending on the ride, but many flat rides can experience this in just a few years. Over time, the player will be forced to reduce ride admission prices, or guests will complain about a ride's high cost and will not ride it. In these situations, the best remedy is to replace the ride with a new one, though in the case of Roller Coasters, custom-designed rides or large rides, this may not be preferable.preferablftrtyrtrgrf
==Pay-Per-Entry Parks==