Haunted Harbour/Scenario Guide: Difference between revisions

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Fill up the remaining places on the grass with some flat rides, add benches and litter bins, and build an Information Kiosk. Remove the flowers and unnecessary paths for extra space and money. Also,Set putyour research onfunding to maximum and tickdirect onyour Thrillpriorities Rides,to Gentlethrill Ridesrides. andOnce Rolleryou Coasters.have Then,fully filldeveloped the beachremaining withgrassy space, somestart cramming tracked rides andon cramthe as much as possible in therebeach. A Wooden Crazy Rodent Roller Coaster or a Virginia Reel would be a good choice, since both require little space and are relatively cheap to build.
The two rides that must be preserved are incredibly old and, thus, prone to breaking down. Ghost Train is 35 years old, withand Woodpecker toppingis an astonishing 68 years old. While both attractions suffer from high down-time, Woodpecker is always at risk of a Station Brakes Failure crash in its starting configuration, so setting the ride to run six 3-car trains or one 12-car train as soon as the scenario starts is recommended to remedy this issue. Make Ghost Train free to ride if you are charging a gate fee, and charge no more than $1.00 regardless for Woodpecker. (You can get away with charging more for Woodpecker in [[RCT Classic|RollerCoaster Tycoon Classic]], but be careful.)
Once you have repaid your loan and filled up all the space, start expanding your park slowly, building more roller coasters to attract guests. The hills around the park are a good spot to build rides partially underground to increase the excitement rating. It might be necessary to set research to Roller Coasters only for a short period of time. Youto canhelp alsoyou startbuild advertisingthe nearbig theticket endrides you need to meet your guest goal. That said, if you needfind someyourself morefalling slightly short of guests toward the end, you can always advertise.
[[Category:Scenario Guide]]
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