
Build a park to appeal to the high-intensity thrill-seeking local people.

If you ever wanted to build a theme park with nothing but rollercoasters this is the perfect park to do so, as all the guests have a preffered intensity of more than 9.

Pre-built Rides

Cathexis (Suspended Roller coaster)

  • Excitement Rating: 6.47 (High)
  • Intensity Rating: 8.10 (Very High)
  • Nausea Rating: 9.27 (Very High)
  • Initial Price: $4.00

Scenario Guide

  • The Scenario Guide below is only a suggested strategy for completing this scenario—it may not work for all players.
  • The General Scenario Guide and Hints and Tips articles may also provide helpful information in completing this scenario.
  • There are usually multiple strategies to successfully completing a scenario; these can be discussed on the scenario's discussion page or written down in an existing or additional section of this article.

Adrenaline Heights is a scenario which follows the opposite of "Gentle Glen". Guests will only ride intense rides in this park, so you'll need to make rides with an intensity rating of "Very High" or "Extreme" to succeed (Look at the pre-built ride Cathexis in the park for example). As you will also notice that almost all the guests' preferred intensity is 9 and above, though it can be a little lower).

Scenario finished by sucinum

Research only Shops and Stalls first until you have a Drink Stall, then go for Roller Coasters and maybe ride improvements. This park shouldn't be too hard as long as you make enough big rides and advertise when you need to. There are a few non-roller coaster rides the guests will go on, they are the Whoa Belly/Launched Freefall, Roto-Drop, Gravitron set on Beserk Mode, the Swinging Inverter Ship set to maximum swings, and the Water Slide. Surround roller coasters with the aforementioned rides to keep guests busy as well as to take some of their spare cash.

Go wild on roller coasters, the guests in this scenario will ride almost everything! However, watch your money carefully, as you must be able to keep building through the entire scenario to attract 1600 guests.

Available Rides



Roller Coasters




Researched Rides



Roller Coasters



  • None



Available Scenery

Researched Scenery

Other Notes

Preceded by List of scenarios in Succeeded by
[[Swamp Cove]] Corkscrew Follies/Added Attractions [[Utopia Park]]