

This is a sky scraper in a jungle

I know you thought it would be a city in a jungle

Scenario Objective

To have atleast 1200 Guest in your park at the end of Year 3

Scenario Guide

  • The Scenario Guide below is only a suggested strategy for completing this scenario—it may not work for all players.
  • The General Scenario Guide and Hints and Tips articles may also provide helpful information in completing this scenario.
  • There are usually multiple strategies to successfully completing a scenario; these can be discussed on the scenario's discussion page or written down in an existing or additional section of this article.

This park is very intimidating at first glance, but it's easier than it looks. Start with a Rollercoaster and Ghost Train/Car Ride in the biulding to make the long walk to the roof more fun. Now, biuld on the roof until you run out of room. With the roof out of the queston, biuld around the skyscraper.

Other Notes