Signs and Items for Footpaths: Difference between revisions

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If a guest has an empty food container in their inventory and they happen to come across a tile with a bin that is not full, they will use it to throw away their item. This means that guests do not actively search for bins to use, they will only use them if they randomly stumble upon them. If the bin is full while a guest tries to use it, they will throw away their item on the ground immediately, so it is advised to have enough handymen to keep the bins empty. As long as the guests don’t encounter a bin they have a random chance to throw the item on the ground every couple of seconds.
The capacity of a bin works in an interesting way. A bin can only fit three items, which may seem like incredibly few, but the trick is that not every item counts. When an item is thrown away there is only a 12.5% chance that the bin gets filled up. This means that while it is possible for a bin to be full after just three items, the average bin will fit 21 items. If a path piece has multiple bins they operate independently, so if you place bins on a single-wide path section, each tile with bins can hold an average of 4442 items.
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