Rock 'n' Roll Themeing: Difference between revisions

no edit summary
(Added Table)
No edit summary
(2 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
Line 1:
{{Infobox Theme
{| class="wikitable"
|introduced=[[Time Twister]]
|+Rock 'n' Roll Themeing
| [[File:RCTicon.jpg]]
| [[File:RCT2icon.jpg]]
| [[File:Objecticon.jpg]]
| [[File:Musicicon.jpg]]
| [[File:Entertainericon.jpg]]
| [[File:Entranceicon.jpg]]
| style="background: #d88686" |
| style="background: #dbb77a; color: white;" | <center>"TT"</center>
| <center>'''39'''</center>
| style="background: #d88686" |
| style="background: #d88686" |
| style="background: #d88686" |
{| style="text-align: center" border="1"
Line 25 ⟶ 12:
|Runway Piece
|[[File:Runway Piece 1.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 31 ⟶ 18:
|Runway Piece
|[[File:Runway Piece 2.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 37 ⟶ 24:
|Runway Corner Piece
|[[File:Runway Corner Piece.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 43 ⟶ 30:
|Runway Edge Piece
|[[File:Runway Edge Piece.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 49 ⟶ 36:
|Runway Piece
|[[File:Runway Piece 3.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 55 ⟶ 42:
|Runway Inverted Corner Piece
|[[File:Runway Inverted Corner Piece.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 61 ⟶ 48:
| [[File:RCTiconBiker.jpgpng]]
|1 x 1
Line 67 ⟶ 54:
|Singer with Quiff
|[[File:Singer with Quiff.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 73 ⟶ 60:
|Cool Dude
| [[File:ObjecticonCool Dude.jpgpng]]
|1 x 1
Line 79 ⟶ 66:
|Groovy Dancer
|[[File:Groovy Dancer.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 85 ⟶ 72:
|Band Member
|[[File:Band Member 1.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 91 ⟶ 78:
|Band Member
|[[File:Band Member 2.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 97 ⟶ 84:
|Band Member
|[[File:Band Member 3.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 103 ⟶ 90:
|Band Member
|[[File:Band Member 4.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 109 ⟶ 96:
|Rollerskating Waitress
|[[File:Rollerskating Waitress.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 115 ⟶ 102:
|Jet Aeroplane
|[[File:Jet Aeroplane 1.png]]
|3 x 3
Line 121 ⟶ 108:
|Jet Aeroplane
|[[File:Jet Aeroplane 2.png]]
|3 x 3
Line 127 ⟶ 114:
|Jet Aeroplane
|[[File:Jet Aeroplane 3.png]]
|3 x 3
Line 133 ⟶ 120:
|B-Movie Giant Octopus
|[[File:B-Movie Giant Octopus.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 139 ⟶ 126:
|B-Movie Giant Spider
|[[File:B-Movie Giant Spider.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 145 ⟶ 132:
|Motorcycle (Custom Color)
| [[File:EntranceiconMotorcycle 1.jpgpng]]
|1 x 1
Line 151 ⟶ 138:
|[[File:Motorcycle 2.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 157 ⟶ 144:
|Small Speaker
|[[File:Small Speaker.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 163 ⟶ 150:
|Large Speaker
|[[File:Large Speaker.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 169 ⟶ 156:
|School Bus
| [[File:MusiciconSchool Bus.jpgpng]]
|2 x 1
Line 175 ⟶ 162:
|1950s Car (Custom Color)
|[[File:1950s Car 1.png]]
|2 x 1
Line 181 ⟶ 168:
|Hot Rod Car (Custom Color)
|[[File:Hot Rod Car 1.png]]
|2 x 1
Line 187 ⟶ 174:
|Hot Rod Car
|[[File:Hot Rod Car 2.png]]
|2 x 1
Line 193 ⟶ 180:
|1950s Car (Custom Color)
|[[File:1950s Car 2.png]]
|2 x 1
Line 199 ⟶ 186:
|Traveller Van
|[[File:Traveller Van.png]]
|2 x 1
Line 205 ⟶ 192:
| [[File:RCT2iconMicrobus.jpgpng]]
|2 x 1
Line 211 ⟶ 198:
|Rock Band Tour Bus
|[[File:Rock Band Tour Bus.png]]
|3 x 3
Line 217 ⟶ 204:
|Neon Diner Sign
|[[File:Neon Diner Sign 1.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 223 ⟶ 210:
|Neon Diner Sign
|[[File:Neon Diner Sign 2.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 229 ⟶ 216:
|Neon Diner Sign
|[[File:Neon Diner Sign 3.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 235 ⟶ 222:
|Neon Diner Sign
|[[File:Neon Diner Sign 4.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 241 ⟶ 228:
|Giant Bass Guitar (Custom Color)
|[[File:Giant Bass Guitar.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 247 ⟶ 234:
|Giant Guitar (Custom Color)
|[[File:Giant Guitar.png]]
|1 x 1
Line 253 ⟶ 240:
|Giant Drum Kit (Custom Color)
|[[File:Giant Drum Kit.png]]
|3 x 3
Line 263 ⟶ 250:
[[Category:RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Scenery]]