Rainbow Summit: Difference between revisions

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Zeesims (talk | contribs)
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Who wrote this? I corrected at least 20 mistakes and it still looks horrible...
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Nothing in this park can be built above tree level, no higher than 10.5m.
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==Scenario Guide==
This scenario is maybeone of the hardest scenario in the Expert scenarios onin RCT2,. ifIf you finishcomplete all of the Challenging scenarios, Rainbow Summit will gobe easymuch oneasier for you,. theThe fact that you can't build tall coasters, is the main reason for that.
Start easy by building stalls, gentle and thrill rides avillable,available. donDon't use the tracked rides at all in this scenario, because you will find yourself struggling fidingto find space later on. 4 years is a lot of time to build, the question is how.
This scenario will force you to be creative, if you build coasters on the ground, use the mini-small ones, because the are limited in heights without the scenario tree-height-limit.
After you filledfill your park inwith thrill rides and small coastercoasters, increase dramaticly your park entryentrance fee to 40$,40. donDon't worry, they will pay for that,. chargeCharge the guests $3$ for drinks and foddfood, ifan theymake willrestrooms getcost hungry10 theycents. will have to pay for that either, charge restroomsThis won't bring you so muchin profit, but ifwill you have to, chargedecrease the restroomsexpenses for 10restrooms. cents and theCharge umbrellas for $10$, sobecause maybe people won't ride your rides, butguests still will be happy to give you money just to be dry during thea rainstorm.
Now, build a roller coaster smartly, useusing the ground of the summit to build the coaster to gain height, that is the only source of gaining height in this scenario, so be sure to use space smart, after that so you won't get a high neusea rating of your coaster you need to be creative, it won't be hard if you use gentle drops instedinstead stippsteep drops, your roller coaster will still be interesting if you build interesting ride, now raise the entreeentrance fee to 45$45, and keep it in this price for the entire timelength of the scenario, or guests won't be able to pay to enter the park.
KeepingKeep building coasters in thatthis system will bringand you morewill guests,continually morebring thanguests 7into coastersyour notpark. includeCreate theat pre-builtleast will7 domore thecoasters job givingand you moreshould guests,be youokay canfor alsothe buildrest your coaster likeof the pre-built,scenario. buildingBuilding ungergroundunderground also can beis a good idea to do the reguler heightsif you usedare to,low byon gainspace height underground, and remember always that your coasters don't need so much height to beabove excitingground. sceneryScenery, tunnels and water always give you extra excitmentexcitement. asAs long your coasters isare beyondabove 6 excitmentexcitement rating, more guests will come to your park.
Keep your rating high regurelyregularly and get extra guests by getting awards,. inIn year 4, start repaying your loan and do compaignscampaigns reguralyregularly, so guests will keep come,coming. ifIf you aredon't have enough guests in shortthe offinal guestsfew months, offer free food oran drinks, and you will meet the objective very quiclkyquickly.
If you beat the all the scenarios of the RCT2 and kept this one to the end, this scenario will be easy for you, and you will be happy withewith the result, as you finished all the scenarios of the original scenarios of RCT2.
==Available Rides==
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==Researched Rides==
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*[[Cash Machine]]
*[[Coffee Shop |Coffee Shop]]
*[[Cookie Stall]]
*[[Hot Chocolate Stall]]
*[[Sub Sandwich Stall]]
*[[Sunglasses Stall]]
==Available Scenery==
==Researched Scenery==
==Other Notes==
This park appears to be based on a mirror image of Lake Compounce in Bristol, Ct. It has a "mountain coaster" painted accordingly and similar to Boulder Dash, and a chairlift and tram in appropriate locations.