Sitting in seats suspended either side of the track, riders are pitched head-over-heels while they plunge down steep drops and travel through various inversions.

RCT2 Icon


Special Track Elements

  • Banked Helix
  • Block Brakes
  • On-Ride Photo
  • Quarter Loop
  • Seat Rotations
  • Twist
  • Large Half Loop (RCT3 Only)


  • Banked Curves - 50° banking
  • Maximum Track Slope - 90°
  • Maximum Lift Hill Slope - 25°
  • Maximum Height - 195 Feet


  • Multi-Dimension Coaster Train

Other Information

Incredibly difficult coaster to design. To avoid financial difficulties and time limits, only attempt to design one in the Rollercoaster Designer or Sandbox Mode.

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