Log Flume: Difference between revisions

207 bytes added ,  12 years ago
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*Maximum height above ground - 39 feet
===Other Information===
Log Flumes must be designed carefully, or they can go on forever. A Log Flume's only speed comes when it goes downhill, otherwise it goes at the boring pace of 2-3 mph. Use the slow speeds to develop a theme, and then climax with a big drop to keep guests coming back for more.
*It is easy to overdo a ''Log Flume'', making extra-long ride times. Make sure to not have a ride time any longer than 4 minutes, otherwise guests will get angry.
Good excitement ratings on Log Flumes come from having plenty of scenery and other rides around. Also, make sure to have at least one huge drop that gets the guests soaked and gives the boat temporary speed.
Weirdly, in [[RollerCoaster Tycoon 3]], the ''Log Flume'' is considered a [[roller coaster]].
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