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In the series, '''Guests and staff''' appear in the games to give it a true theme park appeal.
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A normal guest is the average person to go into your park.
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon]]'', they all look like brown headed-haired male guests whose basic "names" are '''Guest ____#''', with the '''____#''' being replaced by the number of the guest isto uponhave getting tocrossed the beginning of theirthe path to the entrance. AnIn the expansion packs, an option on the "Options" menu lets youone change their names so they can have "realistic" names (like Bob H., Marie Q., e.t.cetc.). These guysThey also have different ride tolerance and can have different thoughts/moods depending on their surrounding environment.
In [[RollerCoaster Tycoon 2]], theythe simply"real" havenames normaloption namesinherited likefrom the optionRCT1 allowsexpansions inis theirenabled predecessorby default. TheyThe areguests alsothemselves are basically the equivilantequivalent to their predecessorpredecessors in terms of looks, acts and behaviorbehaviour. However, although it seems that their intelligence has been somewhat fixed, as youone can build paths twice as wide without yourthe guests getting lost. They also actively seek objects like stalls, toilets and the park exit according to their needs instead of wandering around. A guest logic has been coded in RCT2, which enables them to watch ongoing or mid-construction rides.
In ''[[RollerCoaster Tycoon 3]]'', the guests have major upgrades in their designs; instead of the brown headed-haired people in the game, now realistic people appear in different sizes and looks, and ages. They also have more varied thoughts and are characteristically more interactive with each other. They alsousually automaticallycome havein names"families", insteadand ofthey theare casualdivided Guestin three ages: adult, teen and child. There is a Peep Designer available in the game's Xoptions countmenu.
In all three incarnations, guests have moods, thoughts and can be attracted to/leave your park depending on certain awards, the overall environment and the variety of rides.
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== Staff ==
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