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===Restraints Stuck Open/Closed===
This breakdown occurs when the safety restraints on a ride either are stuck open after a train has loaded and is preparing to leave the station, or if the restraints are stuck closed as a train arrives in the station. The only difference between the two is that when the restraints are stuck open, guests who have already been around the circuit of the ride can exit. However, they are stuck until the ride is fixed if the restraints are stuck closed.
===(Station) Brakes Failure===
This is an often severe breakdown, where the brakes on a ride, specifically the brakes in the station, fail to function. This breakdown can often result in a ride [[crash]] if a train enters into a station at too high a speed while another train is waiting to depart, though whether a ride will crash depends on a number of factors including the size and speed of the train. This breakdown also affects brakes outside of a station, but does not negatively impact block brakes.
This type of malfunction occurs more frequently in Katie's Dreamland (A.K.A. Katie's World) in RCT1, resulting in both pre-built rollercoasters crashing at some stage unless improvements are made.
===Vehicle Malfunction===
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